An old video of Don Jr. Interviewing president DJT came up on my feed recently. It's an interesting conversation where Jr. Asks Trump about aliens and area 51. Trump gives a look that just screams we have contact with an extraterrestrial force, or at least have some of their technology.
Don't let libtards fool you when they say aliens disprove the existence of God. There could be many different life forms that God created in the universe.
Technology is more than likely from previous civilizations.
The idea of alien's coming from rocks hundreds of light-years away is ridiculous.
I dunno... have a look at "How was Nan Madol built" on Youtube.
It gets very technical in places but stay with it, its of great interest to those interested in ancient tech.
Aliens aren't needed to build things like that. It's more likely humans were much more advanced before previous resets. To think we are at the pinnacle of human intelligence is ridiculous.