Look around, The View host suddenly wants to "be the voice of trump voters" and CNN is sacking the most woke. It's almost like they are preparing to shift the narrative to prevent the insane left from losing it.
The theory, which obviously will work because look at the last 20 years, is to just tell them it's all fine now and move along.
It must be coming fast because "The View" is traditionally one of the worst cesspools of liberal idiocy, not to mention the entirety of CNN. Haven't seen anything on NYT yet because it's all behind a paywall. Fuck that place especially.
Anyone else?
I don’t know…I hope you’re right, but I don’t think so.
In the last week, I have seen a strong shift in the Republican Party narrative…trying to steer us away from Trump. One candidate I spoke with had the audacity to tell me that based on his “door knocking”, 9 out of 10 Republican voters would not vote for Trump if he ran again…I called BS. The UniParty is coming out strong.
I agree. This is a just more gaslighting to push a new narrative:
“I was a Trump supporter, but now I’m wiser so I no longer support him and you should do the same — trust me, I used to work for him”
They want everyone to ‘move on’ so that no matter what, people just lose interest, even if the economy completely collapses, you’re unemployed, homeless, forced to take 20 more jabs, and the government mandates hormone blockers for all your kids. Especially when truths are exposed and not suppressed.
They want you to say Trump’s too old, too mean and impolite, and it’s time for someone else. They want to you to move on so they can gaslight you into believing their preferred candidate is better, but totally has your interests in mind just like Trump does wink wink nudge nudge