They aren't really NPC's, they've just been asleep. They are waking up, especially my dad. In the last year, I've heard more out of his mouth that aligns with what we talk about here than I've ever expected. However, when it comes to the vax, they trust the doctors implicitly, and this is in New England, which has a lot of medical schools and "good" doctors. My mom even just had the coof, after 4 shots FFS. They aren't the 4-6% but I guess it took a while for me to fully awaken, and it's been almost 20 years since I turned from the normie way of thinking. They've made some progress but I think it will take something big to bring them fully into the light, such as we know it.
Yes, a test. When she was visiting recently, I and my son had a cold that turned into a cough. I knew it wasn't the coof. I had a positive test (or whatever) last december, and my only real symptom was fatigue and i couldn't taste for a while. This wasn't like that at all. I'm sure she caught the same thing from us. Of course, she went and got a test and it was positive. Doc told her the new "guidance" and she stayed out of public for like 2 days. I'm certain it was just a cold. She ended up with pneumonia, but not super bad. Antibiotics cleared it up. It pisses me off. She stayed inside for almost 2 years because she's diabetic, missed most of my kids lives up until recently, got all the G-d-forsaken shots, still got it......and now she's fine. To answer your question, she would have done whatever the doc told her to do. I send them links to stuff all the time, they don't pay it much attention. "Oh, interesting.." is about the best I've gotten. If it wasn't for Tucker, I doubt they would be anything but fully asleep. Love 'em anyway, just wish they could open their eyes.
You caused the NPCs to short-circuit.
They aren't really NPC's, they've just been asleep. They are waking up, especially my dad. In the last year, I've heard more out of his mouth that aligns with what we talk about here than I've ever expected. However, when it comes to the vax, they trust the doctors implicitly, and this is in New England, which has a lot of medical schools and "good" doctors. My mom even just had the coof, after 4 shots FFS. They aren't the 4-6% but I guess it took a while for me to fully awaken, and it's been almost 20 years since I turned from the normie way of thinking. They've made some progress but I think it will take something big to bring them fully into the light, such as we know it.
Yes, a test. When she was visiting recently, I and my son had a cold that turned into a cough. I knew it wasn't the coof. I had a positive test (or whatever) last december, and my only real symptom was fatigue and i couldn't taste for a while. This wasn't like that at all. I'm sure she caught the same thing from us. Of course, she went and got a test and it was positive. Doc told her the new "guidance" and she stayed out of public for like 2 days. I'm certain it was just a cold. She ended up with pneumonia, but not super bad. Antibiotics cleared it up. It pisses me off. She stayed inside for almost 2 years because she's diabetic, missed most of my kids lives up until recently, got all the G-d-forsaken shots, still got it......and now she's fine. To answer your question, she would have done whatever the doc told her to do. I send them links to stuff all the time, they don't pay it much attention. "Oh, interesting.." is about the best I've gotten. If it wasn't for Tucker, I doubt they would be anything but fully asleep. Love 'em anyway, just wish they could open their eyes.