Scott Adams now dealing with severe fatigue and possible heart issues. WHO COULD HAVE PREDICTED THIS?
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My take on Scott Adams:
I watched many of his videos prior and immediately after Trump's election, probably over 50 episodes.
My opinion of him is that he's a Mossad asset, hired specifically because he's a speaker/influencer.
He suddenly became famous politically for no particular reason, along with other Mossad assets such as Cernovich and Posobiec.
Common traits:
Scott Adams was already a multi-millionaire, so I think his payment came in the form of a trophy wife farm asset.
He, himself, described the psychological method he used against us all. He called it "pace and lead", where he would emulate a particular group to build rapport with them (pacing), so that he could later "lead" them after the trust was built.
He's supposedly hyper anti-China, but I think that's bullshit. He built a storyline where his son-in-law died from fentanyl, and as such he's now a crusader against China. In reality, that's part of the pacing so that later he could lead everyone into falling hook, line and sinker for the China-pushed Covid psyop (and people would believe him, because he supposedly hates China so he'd never do what China wants).
He bent over backwards to accommodate BLM but treated Q in a very hostile manner. He's completely compromised by China.