posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +14 / -0

Why? Because they:

Cause significant harm Form the backbone of many "populist movements" Foster and reinforce "exclusive worldviews" Reduce trust in public and scientific institutions

Which can in turn can:

Drive people to violence and even [gasp] Decrease people's desire to reduce their carbon footprint

That last one is a real reason for concern, isn't it?

Examples of conspiracy theories that UNESCO is super concerned about:

Climate change denial That federal elections in the United States were "manipulated" Michelle Obama is actually a lizard.

I have no idea where they got that last one, either.

This would all be cause for 😆😂ðŸĪŠ except that earlier this summer UNESCO released a report for teachers about conspiracy theories in the classroom and how to deal with them -- including "mediating" with parents (aka silencing them), when to report a student who refuses to budge, and more.

It may be 2022, but it sure sounds like 1984, doesn't it?
