Why? Because they:
Cause significant harm Form the backbone of many "populist movements" Foster and reinforce "exclusive worldviews" Reduce trust in public and scientific institutions
Which can in turn can:
Drive people to violence and even [gasp] Decrease people's desire to reduce their carbon footprint
That last one is a real reason for concern, isn't it?
Examples of conspiracy theories that UNESCO is super concerned about:
Climate change denial That federal elections in the United States were "manipulated" Michelle Obama is actually a lizard.
I have no idea where they got that last one, either.
This would all be cause for ðððĪŠ except that earlier this summer UNESCO released a report for teachers about conspiracy theories in the classroom and how to deal with them -- including "mediating" with parents (aka silencing them), when to report a student who refuses to budge, and more.
It may be 2022, but it sure sounds like 1984, doesn't it?
I'll tell you what "Reduces trust in public and scientific institutions": when those institutions repeatedly lie to you. That is far more dangerous than so-called "conspiracy theories"
Unesco is about perserving historical sites is it not?
It is interesting how all these big money companies are twoing the line....
But to have UNESCO pull this cart, it really smells like panick.