THEORY: In MLK's final 1968 speech, he said, "I’ve seen the promised land. I may not get there with you." Did GEOTUS hint the same thing? He said: "We may not be here, at least some of the older ones. I love you all." Will Trump's next speech be the scare event? Is his final, MLK moment on the way?

It worried me when I heard POTUS say it, but I think/hope he's trying to make it understood that this transformation is going to take years if not decades to run it's course. You don't take a centuries/millennia-old evil that has infested every corner of society and eradicate it in five-to-ten years.
I wonder if some of the tone of sadness was because he realizes that so many good people are being trampled on and abused as the war rages on. As much as we're all exhausted here in the States in varying degrees, people in most of the other continents and our neighbors to the north and south in NA seem to have it worse than we do. And none of us, including them, are experiencing the horrific existence that the victims of human trafficking are going through. Yes I'd like it if this evil was ended in a flash, but don't anticipate that's going to be the case.
Another reason for the tone of sadness may be that we're nearing the precipice and DJT knows, as few do, the extent to which this is NOT going to be a cakewalk.
Also, if it's as simple as a changing of the guard, I would never fault POTUS for passing the baton to someone else if he just wants to live the rest of his life in peace. He's given so very much already to this country (and to the world, frankly) that he deserves the very best in this life and the next. Selfishly, I'd be happy to have him as Great Emperor of the United States for decades as he's been practically created for this role in this time in history.
Just keep praying for Donald Trump and his loved ones, for those people fighting this war on the side of Good, and thank God Almighty for all His blessings and grace. 🙏✝️