THEORY: In MLK's final 1968 speech, he said, "I’ve seen the promised land. I may not get there with you." Did GEOTUS hint the same thing? He said: "We may not be here, at least some of the older ones. I love you all." Will Trump's next speech be the scare event? Is his final, MLK moment on the way?
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Yes, I take from this that Trump means he will serve as long as allowed, but he and we have to make sure that the constitution is protected for the future and that no communist infiltrators can get this close to the goalpost again. For our grandchildren and their children and so on. So often, we have had some things improve with a conservative president (1980s) just to have the next election and the pendulum swings all the way over and we lose the progress. It sounds like he is going to fix that.