THEORY: In MLK's final 1968 speech, he said, "I’ve seen the promised land. I may not get there with you." Did GEOTUS hint the same thing? He said: "We may not be here, at least some of the older ones. I love you all." Will Trump's next speech be the scare event? Is his final, MLK moment on the way?
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How so? Surely he and his team have considered that possibility a long time ago. What if it has to happen for optics but he comes out unscathed which we know he will?
No they didn't, Nor should they have to. That's not an option. The optics are the investigations and raids... But putting him in prison isn't a possible scenario they would ever plan for, because it's not possible.
And for different reasons than why its not possible to ever prosecute Obama..which will never happen even if the white hats take control of everything.
The only way to take out trump, is to take out trump. Which Godforbid will not happen...Because that IS a scenario, they considered possible long time ago. Not only did they consider it... But I'd imagine they are planning on it. (The attempt...which there have been many)... Hence his private security in addition to SS.
EDIT" April 2023 edit... Alright, well i wasn't really talking about him being arrested over paying money to stormy Daniels, which isn't a crime to begin with...So i was wrong, But gladly so. This seems to only help trump.