No, we wonder why people who literally don't pay attention to the real world at all whatsoever, turn around and call the investigators crazy for investigating absolutely crazy crimes perpetrated by absolutely crazy criminals. You silly idiot.
An early Christian saint famously warned that there would be times when people would become insane. When these insane people encounter someone who isn't crazy they will screech " hes not like us; he's obviously insane".
The bible warned "woe be unto those who call evil good and good evil". Fortunately, the bible also urged people to fear not for God is always with us and will turn everything demonic do into something good for those who love and trust His plan.
Orwell referred to malevolently insane " concept dyslexics ie meaning flippers, as those who spoke "double speak" English. Reality perverting inverters. Evil is good. Slavery is freedom. Sane people are insane.
No, we wonder why people who literally don't pay attention to the real world at all whatsoever, turn around and call the investigators crazy for investigating absolutely crazy crimes perpetrated by absolutely crazy criminals. You silly idiot.
Crazy people often do scream "crazy" at every sane person they come across...
Unfortunately, it seems more common for people to be crazy these days than not.
An early Christian saint famously warned that there would be times when people would become insane. When these insane people encounter someone who isn't crazy they will screech " hes not like us; he's obviously insane".
The bible warned "woe be unto those who call evil good and good evil". Fortunately, the bible also urged people to fear not for God is always with us and will turn everything demonic do into something good for those who love and trust His plan.
Orwell referred to malevolently insane " concept dyslexics ie meaning flippers, as those who spoke "double speak" English. Reality perverting inverters. Evil is good. Slavery is freedom. Sane people are insane.