President Trump on the passing of the Queen....
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Interesting points. I will be the first to acknowledge that my knowledge and understanding of European history, prior to 1900, is weak at best. But I do know that factors into much of the thinking of the political establishment at the time.
The technology angle is interesting. I deal with it, even have inventions, but still find it frustrating. Largely because I have to deal with unnecessary complexity on a daily basis. The reasons have as much to do with politics as solving real technical challenges. There are ways to make things simpler, and easier to accomplish and understand, but many people prefer complexity due to philosophy. I have examples of solutions to challenging problems that look relatively simple. The very few people who understand the problems that were solved, also understand that very few people are capable of doing what was done. But there are also a lot of people who think they know how to solve these types of problems (doubtful - at least there is no prior proof of it, unless many words are proof of ability), and yet, they are more than happy to tell people like myself how to go about doing our jobs, and handing out bad advice like cheap candy. Maybe they are better than me at handling complex technology. Or maybe they are better at avoiding it, and making themselves look good in the process. I can't say for certain.