Consider brushing up on guidelines for participants in brainstorming sessions. They're very, very clear and much needed in order to protect these sessions from premature contributions that, while well meaning, can be lethal.
As Q has said many times, timing is very important. From my experience that's very true and advice I wish I'd taken to heart more often.
What specific part of the queens funeral plan has been known for a while, pertaining to this? Please provide links if you would, genuinely curious.
I think you need to ask the OP, I was responding to that statement.
Consider brushing up on guidelines for participants in brainstorming sessions. They're very, very clear and much needed in order to protect these sessions from premature contributions that, while well meaning, can be lethal.
As Q has said many times, timing is very important. From my experience that's very true and advice I wish I'd taken to heart more often.
All of it, they even did a practice for it 10 years ago.