Can kicked down the road again to allow for more yea votes to be collected.
Edit: Source is the shareholder meeting I just finished watching, don't know if there's a replay available but this is directly from the shareholder meeting.
Can kicked down the road again to allow for more yea votes to be collected.
Edit: Source is the shareholder meeting I just finished watching, don't know if there's a replay available but this is directly from the shareholder meeting.
Nope, not that I caught. Strong indication they'll keep prolonging it until they get the numbers though.
I also read in a couple articles they can extend w/o the vote but DWAC will have to have a loan floated until the merger commences which would need to be paid back at such time. Forget who would float the loan but already seems to be floated if needed.
Yep. Best part about this is having 2 strong statements by DWAC and TMTG that draw attention ot the SEC's obvious delays and that both are still HUGELY commited to this merger, basically saying it's inevitable.