I just checked Amazon Prime - this "Sound of Freedom"is nowhere to be found there. There is a movie from 2010 by the same name. When you search, it also returns a bunch of (mostly) pro Trump documentaries as well as documentaries on human trafficking: Operation Toussaint (Documentary starring Tim ballard in Haiti), The Pedophile Hunters - Follows US gov agents as they track down US citizens in Cambodia for underage sex tourism, and Iraq's Secret Sex Trade - documentary about shia clerics that are abducting young women and girls and selling them into prostitution and pedophile "pleasure marriages"
I just checked Amazon Prime - this "Sound of Freedom"is nowhere to be found there. There is a movie from 2010 by the same name. When you search, it also returns a bunch of (mostly) pro Trump documentaries as well as documentaries on human trafficking: Operation Toussaint (Documentary starring Tim ballard in Haiti), The Pedophile Hunters - Follows US gov agents as they track down US citizens in Cambodia for underage sex tourism, and Iraq's Secret Sex Trade - documentary about shia clerics that are abducting young women and girls and selling them into prostitution and pedophile "pleasure marriages"