But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. — Galatians 4:4-5
As we went through the adoption process for our son, I’ll never forget the first time we received documentation on him. We had to request a file for him, where the file told us all about who he was. It told us about his age, his current physical status, even things that the foster family had noted about him in China.
This file shared a lot of good things, but it also shared a lot of things that many would consider not so good. He was deaf. They believed he could have some developmental delays. There was a certainty that he would require medical attention and help in a variety of ways as he grew.
The point of the story is that while there were some unknowns, we knew a lot about him before he ever knew about us. Even though we knew there would be a lot of needs, we chose to adopt our son without any reservation.
Just as much as I am glad to have my son, I’m so much more glad that God chose to send His son to die for me. He knew all about me long before I ever came to know Him. He knew all my faults, all my failures. He knew I would need mercy and grace. Yet, He still chose to love me and die for me. He still chose to accept me.
The best part, not one single person is left out of that. Jesus knew what He was getting into when He chose to die for the sins of the world. He knew the good and the bad, yet, He still chose to die. He accepted me fully, without any reservation.
Does it ever cross your mind about how God could ever choose to love you? Do you ever question why God would accept you in spite of all the wrongs you have done? Instead of questioning, today be thankful! God has fully accepted you, without any reservation. If you have accepted Him as Savior, He adopted you!
Jared Dyson