So, I was sitting there, sailing, enjoying everything .... thinking of actually nothing at all in particular, just gauging the wind, adjusting the sails, changing course to get to nowhere ....
Declass movie has already played. Trump declassed quite a lot. Did we see any of it? Not yet. But whether or not we get to ever see it, 45 did declassify. Anything he wants ...
We are now looking at the impact of the boom ... boom,boom ....boom, booom, boom, .....BOOM! We already know that the MOAB arrived at the drop-off zone. All it now has to do is hit the target more or less.
When I was a kid, I loved to read Comic Books. One of them was Buck Danny. Certain things stay with me. Like Album 35 page 20:
Timing is everything ... right? It reminded me of this video:
Did you see that?
How do you time dropping a MOAB? Does the opponent knows a MOAB is incoming? Does the opponent knows, and I emphasize, a MOAB, is incoming? When the MOAB has left the station, can anything stop what is coming?
I had a big big smile on my face, when these thoughts popped up out of the dark of nothingness ...
"Red Alert (Rig for red) and brace for impact, as evasive maneuvers: DELTA", the standard Star Fleet Operating procedure, won't help.
Happy Friday starts the weekend day!
Beatiful thoughts to carry over into the weekend. Thanks, fren. Have a good time.