A lot of Q debates are firing up, so I'm sharing this again. Text version in comments (for replying to comments in a post somewhere)
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Q did mention something that implied Trump sacrificing himself for the greater good (but the context was the media/deep state/cabal attacks on himself, his family etc) . But double meanings exist in many Q posts. So it's not too far fetched to consider Trump getting indicted (as part of the plan)
The Q proofs should tell you that patriots are in control. Trump constantly points to Q and has proven that him and the Q team (military) are connected.
So it comes down to trusting Trump/Q.
From all the happenings it 100% appears to me that patriots are in control and the plan is taking place as expected.
Right now is the 'precipice' part, where the plan involves waking up the masses to the corruption (and destroying the remaining cabal elements), which can be worrying if you don't trust Trump/Q. Prepare for economic collapse, that's coming soon.