WEF article:
Superstonk discussion:
"How do you lose $19 billion on a stock that hasn't been worth over that except for during the sneeze where shorts didn't cover [close]? If it has been $19 billion just to play their price manipulation mini-game to keep their bets alive, what will the cost be when they finally lose?"
GME Research: http://gmedd.com/
Here’s what I did and what I’m doing. Buy GME, register (DRS), hodl. Holding for at least 5 years.
Hodling until it's over 200k per share ;)
It’s suggested to hold until the price looks like a phone number. If no one sells, and hedgies have to buy because they have way too many shorts…it would be possible. That’s why they call it diamond hands.
Crosslink to additional discussion about how GME short squeeze may be a part of the Q operation: https://greatawakening.win/p/15JU7yAt3G/is-the-gamestop-saga-a-white-hat/