September 24th 20022 will be the day when the Bundesrat votes whether the corona madness restriction law will be renewed.
The new law has passed the Bundestag (congress) this week and will then go to the Bundesrat where the minister presidents of each state (Bundesländer) will vote and decide on 24th of September.
In the Bundesrat we have 8 x SPD (Dems) + 1 x Green against 6 x CDU (Rhinos) + 1 x Left (who are communistic, but against the restrictions and the war, as they are currently opposition).
So very probably it will pass the Bundesrat on September 24th. After that it goes to our Bundespräsident for signature, who could stop any unjust law, but who is unfortunately very progressive and radical leftish (we do not elect him directly, but the Bundestag + Bundesrat).
The above is a video of his speech on Feb. 28th regarding the start of the Ukraine war on Feb. 24th.
He confused the months (why?). Here the original speech from February:
September 24th 20022 will be the day when the Bundesrat votes whether the corona madness restriction law will be renewed.
The new law has passed the Bundestag (congress) this week and will then go to the Bundesrat where the minister presidents of each state (Bundesländer) will vote and decide on 24th of September.
In the Bundesrat we have 8 x SPD (Dems) + 1 x Green against 6 x CDU (Rhinos) + 1 x Left (who are communistic, but against the restrictions and the war, as they are currently opposition).
So very probably it will pass the Bundesrat on September 24th. After that it goes to our Bundespräsident for signature, who could stop any unjust law, but who is unfortunately very progressive and radical leftish (we do not elect him directly, but the Bundestag + Bundesrat).