“The typical data center uses about 3-5 million gallons of water per day -- the same amount of water as a city of 30,000-50,000 people,” said Venkatesh Uddameri, professor and director of the Water Resources Center at Texas Tech University.
Google's thirst for water in South Carolina:
"Google currently has the right to pump up to half a million gallons a day at no charge. Now the company is asking to triple that, to 1.5 million. That's close to half of the groundwater that Mount Pleasant Waterworks pumps daily from the same underground aquifer to help supply drinking water to more than 80,000 residents of the area."
Google in Oregon:
"The City of The Dalles is located on the Columbia River in Wasco County, Oregon, and is the home of a major Google data center. The ad giant is looking at expanding its presence there and has been granted tax breaks to do so and is asking for more water, which has raised concerns among residents about increased demand at a time when 98 per cent of the county is in "extreme drought." .."
Microsoft thirst for water in the Netherlands:
How many data centers get this drinking water for free or very cheap? How many taxes do they pay? They take important ressources away and give back nothing!
More and more we really have to fight for our existance on all levels!
This post was inspired by a thread in this post - thanks also to burritos4everyone:
I would say that context would help tie this into everything for those who don’t understand.
This can be best described as the “war on water”
Power and control.
Chaos_actual posted this link. It goes into a little detail about water rights and the different laws concerning it. Which is a pretty interesting debate in itself and is the primary key to whether or not a corporation can “own” that resource especially in the midst of drought and water scarcity.
Another article on water rights
Understanding the great man made River and what happened to it and Qaddafi in Libya is key to understanding the war in water.
The problem we face is that a free market society is vulnerable to being bought up and easily turned into fascism and control which ends ultimately in totalitarianism and coercion into their game. Look how they used the medical industry to coerce their poison.
The more your locality imports vital essentials the harder you are going to feel this global famine and energy crisis we are about to enter into. California purposefully drained reservoirs. The war in water is another avenue they have prepared for this global collapse they call the great reset.
Why is the ability for a data center to supply vast amounts of fresh water to cool their servers but flint Michigan can’t figure it out?
Another piece to the silent war thats been raging without much attention.