“The typical data center uses about 3-5 million gallons of water per day -- the same amount of water as a city of 30,000-50,000 people,” said Venkatesh Uddameri, professor and director of the Water Resources Center at Texas Tech University.
Google's thirst for water in South Carolina:
"Google currently has the right to pump up to half a million gallons a day at no charge. Now the company is asking to triple that, to 1.5 million. That's close to half of the groundwater that Mount Pleasant Waterworks pumps daily from the same underground aquifer to help supply drinking water to more than 80,000 residents of the area."
Google in Oregon:
"The City of The Dalles is located on the Columbia River in Wasco County, Oregon, and is the home of a major Google data center. The ad giant is looking at expanding its presence there and has been granted tax breaks to do so and is asking for more water, which has raised concerns among residents about increased demand at a time when 98 per cent of the county is in "extreme drought." .."
Microsoft thirst for water in the Netherlands:
How many data centers get this drinking water for free or very cheap? How many taxes do they pay? They take important ressources away and give back nothing!
More and more we really have to fight for our existance on all levels!
This post was inspired by a thread in this post - thanks also to burritos4everyone:
Why does the 8th Wonder of the World in Racine, Wisconsin need 7 million gallons of water per day from Lake Michigan?
It was never for manufacturing televisions and displays. Why is everything about the largest foreign greenfield investment in U.S. history with the CCP big tech giant Foxconn Industrial Internet based on the model community of Shenzen, China such a mystery and secret?
Nilay Patel of Vox and The Verge will never tell you. He is a big tech propagandist running controlled opposition reporting on the deal. He also grew up in Racine, Wisconsin.
would that thirst for water be due to the CSRQ-SM headquarters with their main computer system being located at Racine?
Is that what the 8th wonder of the world will be main-framing there?
Controlling/monitoring/limiting movements through the new QFS (quantum financial system with the social scoring credit system)?
When do they plan the Great Finanical Reset where we will all wake up with our accounts drained and then be restricted to 1,000 USDR credits per month along with merit/demerit/credit/debit system to add or subtract from our monthly allowance (UBI)?