Here are two things I learned:
- He believes that everyone at the CDC is drinking the Kool-Aid. In other words, as far as he knows, they all truly believe the vaccines are safe and effective, just like my blue-pilled friends. Even the top people. If there are any dissenters, they aren’t speaking up internally. How does this happen? It’s group-think. What happens to critical thinkers? They leave. I thought for sure people like Tom Shimabukuro and John Su knew what they were doing, but they are clueless. They are just like my academic doctor friends: they truly believe that vaccines are safe and I’m nuts. Wow. Just wow. I still don’t know (yet) how they can just brush off my point that they never point out the VAERS under-reporting factor during their presentations. However, it’s true they really believe there is no corruption and no need to protect whistleblowers. Check out this comment.
- My Substack is blocked at the CDC. It is considered “unsafe.”
Here are some other things I learned recently:
Hundreds of doctors are leaving Kaiser in disgust about what is going on. If you are a Kaiser doctor and are willing to talk to me off the record, please use the Contact Me form.
Also heard from a nurse that other nurses “disappear” for long periods… She thinks these nurses are vaccine injured.
I heard that at Kaiser, they are now seeing new young patients with cancer at the rate of once a day. Before the vaccines, it was a few times a year.
Pilots on Southwest are NOT required to be vaccinated. They are giddy over this. Two of the pilots talked with one of our VSRF members today about all the health issues they’ve heard about from pilots at other airlines.
And willful ignorance is especially no excuse.
Willful ignorance should be, at a minimum, manslaughter. But should be dealt with as accessory to murder.