Honestly, if Putin nuked Ukraine, it would give Trump an excellent excuse to return. Embargos against Russia would be over and most of Europe's democracies will fail.
Wouldn't it be... Biblical?
Honestly, if Putin nuked Ukraine, it would give Trump an excellent excuse to return. Embargos against Russia would be over and most of Europe's democracies will fail.
Wouldn't it be... Biblical?
Russia is not going to nuke Ukraine. The nuked areas become uninhabitable and devoid of Slavic people. Putin even said they are the same people, as the beginnings of Russia was with the Kievan Rus.
Uninhabitable like Nagasaki and Hiroshima? Nukes don't exist my friend. It's allllll fear mongering.
OP, with all due respect, what I want us all to think about is "What if 100,000 people declared to pray together for a humane and just ending of the Ukraine/Russia debacle? - And then PRAYED TOGETHER REGULARLY to see what God will do?" What if that number of people were a cool MILLION? Or even, what about 5 MILLION people, praying together to unleash the Holy Spirit Power of God to END this disgusting WASTE of human lives and resources?
Would God do what He says He will do in 2 Chronicles 7:14? In my limited experience, I have never known of the Lord God to break a promise - but I've only been here a little over 70 years. How long would it take for God to hear from on High - if 5 MILLION people truly humbled themselves and turned from wickedness and IF those 5 MILLION people truly sought the Face of ALMIGHTY GOD in regular prayer, what would GOD do? I just want to know.
But it's hard for me to get especially curious about "newkculor bomb'n" (me doing my best George W. Bush impression) because I think I already know the horrific and nightmarish consequences of even a "little-bitty" nuclear exchange.
See, that's the thing about it. Back in the old days, only a few warmongers had the BIG bombs. These days, everybody's got 'em. I think our beloved President Trump will be the first to tell you: "Nukes ain't like you think." First, try JESUS. I mean REALLY give Him a try. Let's save the nukes for when we have absolutely NO other options.
Just my 2 cents.
I think I love you.
Makes no sense.
Most likely another False Flag?