What has he datefagged? He announced more information too soon? He delivered that at the Pit, and explained the reason for the delay. Like I said, you are either a shill or not trying.
Here he says 2 days in a way that you cant tell me is anything other than a date fag
Nothing happened, if you want I can go through more of my post history and find more, or you can do it yourself, any post I've made where I've mentioned Gregg Phillips is usually a post where he talks big and nothing happened. I know he's promised major happenings in a month before, I'm having a hard time finding the post I must not have commented on it. The guy has done good, don't get me wrong there, but likewise he has killed his credibility by promising the world and having it not happen. If you are incapable of seeing that both of these things can be true at the same time, that he is a good guy, but also not a very trustworthy or credible source, I don't know what to say.
Honestly you don't even have basic common courtesy. You downvote all my posts, you call me a loser, you don't bother to link me to anything or even explain why I should care what this guy says. Awfully shill like if you ask me. No desire to discuss, instantly resort to insults and downvotes. You are everything wrong with this website.
Lack of courtesy? Merely questioning why when this guy has made false promises we should still hang on his every word? Dude you went through and downvoted every post I've ever made. Just leave it alone man. I understand you don't want to discuss anything, that's what a Shill does, downvotes and insults rather than try to discuss. If you have nothing to discuss, and won't even respond to the fact I sourced you a time he date fagged, please just go away.
What has he datefagged? He announced more information too soon? He delivered that at the Pit, and explained the reason for the delay. Like I said, you are either a shill or not trying.
Here he says 2 days in a way that you cant tell me is anything other than a date fag https://greatawakening.win/p/15IXbGjKqL/gregg-philipstwo-days/ Nothing happened, if you want I can go through more of my post history and find more, or you can do it yourself, any post I've made where I've mentioned Gregg Phillips is usually a post where he talks big and nothing happened. I know he's promised major happenings in a month before, I'm having a hard time finding the post I must not have commented on it. The guy has done good, don't get me wrong there, but likewise he has killed his credibility by promising the world and having it not happen. If you are incapable of seeing that both of these things can be true at the same time, that he is a good guy, but also not a very trustworthy or credible source, I don't know what to say.
Honestly you don't even have basic common courtesy. You downvote all my posts, you call me a loser, you don't bother to link me to anything or even explain why I should care what this guy says. Awfully shill like if you ask me. No desire to discuss, instantly resort to insults and downvotes. You are everything wrong with this website.
The whole reason for any of this was your lack of courtesy about Greg Phillips.
You talk like a shill.
Lack of courtesy? Merely questioning why when this guy has made false promises we should still hang on his every word? Dude you went through and downvoted every post I've ever made. Just leave it alone man. I understand you don't want to discuss anything, that's what a Shill does, downvotes and insults rather than try to discuss. If you have nothing to discuss, and won't even respond to the fact I sourced you a time he date fagged, please just go away.
Go back and read your first comment, idiot. You weren’t “merely questioning”… now STFU!