Want to play a game?
Cabal History
Can you find me a Christian cross in Washington DC? Specifically, on any monument or government building?
Now, can you find me an ancient deity in the same place?
Which one is more prevalent?
Draw a line from the White House to the Jefferson Memorial.
Draw a line from the Lincoln Memorial through the Washington Monument to the United States Capitol.
What do you see?
I see an upside down cross with an owl perched atop it.
Owl = Congress.
Starting to make sense now?
wow amazing sleepy …hope ur headaches better fren 🐸
Headaches fine today. Still feel like I got into a barroom brawl, though.
If that is interesting, here's some more proof that a governing body is frequently related to owls:
So glad to hear fren and adding to ur post I shared (: - I have major one now seeing red squares blinking but I had to medicate 🥺 happy you’re better was worried for anyone hurting
Edit : I feel something going on ..do you? I never fag the feelings or dates but just with the Queen info 9/11 lots popping I just never felt this in years idk _>>> Cld bE tHe MeDS :)