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Cabal History
Can you find me a Christian cross in Washington DC? Specifically, on any monument or government building?
Now, can you find me an ancient deity in the same place?
Which one is more prevalent?
For the deep diver:
Bacon served as screenplay consultant to DeVere's plays, so to speak.
Not so much the other way around.
While 'Shakespeare' was indeed a coded analogy about the power behind Athena and her shaking spear, Sir Edward DeVere, Earl of Oxford, is the actual persona behind the pen.
His is a fascinating backstory involving contenders for the throne, assassination, bastard children of kings.....you know....all things of which "Shakespeare" would have to have first-hand inside knowledge.
Bacon may have acted as council in some way (especially in regard to John Dee as Prospero), but secrecy aside, the whole story has been laid out and is available for preview at the DeVere Society website.