So You telling me that this(A plane's nosecone that was hit by a bird) cut straight through a steel exoskeleton and reinforced concrete...AND came out the other side virtually intact...Yeah OK...😏😏

I'm just making this post because of some really Unbelievable comments I saw yesterday in a couple of posts... Just this ONE example should tell you all you need to know...A Single BIRD made of feathers and a few bones did this...Now, what do you think A Steel & Concrete building would do??... It certainly would NOT slice straight through leaving a distinct outline of the plane in the exterior of the building...
Not if the plane was retrofitted and equipped with a bunker Buster bomb in the nose cone. This bunker Buster bomb was developed at Egland Air Force base, the same place where Dov Zakheim was retrofitting Boeing 767 into Air Force refueling platforms (cover story). They claim they developed it this weapon in 4 months, when in reality it was used on 9/11 at the World Trade Center in the two drones that flew into the buildings. This explains the large levels of radiation that lingered for months at ground zero. This also explains the exit out the opposite side of both towers. Depleted uranium turns into Molten plasma at impact.
How heavy are those bombs? And would a passenger plane be able to remain in flight with one retrofitted to it's nose??
lol. Are you serious?
Seems like a reasonable question seeing you'd be adding roughly 2 tons (at a minimum) to the nose of the plane.