My wife watches YouTubers that have 5+ acres and have large gardens and tons of farm animals. I think to myself - why do the feds allow this info to be shared so freely? Maybe the agenda is to allow the farming to occur so they can get everyone registered. Once registered- you can be controlled.
Homestead does seem like a great idea. If you have residual income to pay taxes and buy stuff that you can't grow or build, you'd be set for life. Plus you have vastly superior food to eat every day, as well as getting regular exercise tending to your land. I'd be plenty happy with 1/3 acre, as it's just me. Do some small scale farming, dig a well, use a geothermal A/C unit, and use solar and hydro with plenty of batteries, and you're completely off the grid.
At this stage, stopping the relatively small number of people who can sustain themselves really isn't important to them. Besides, even these people surely rely on the system for at least some components of their lifestyle.
The information being out there isn't really affecting their plan. You can plainly see this by just looking at the number of people who don't grow their own food...
That's true, but my main point was that even the tiny minority of people who have the space and knowledge to grow their own food and actually do it are still controlled sufficiently through other means. Hardly anybody is actually free.
SHTF isn't a binary. It won't just happen one day. They know that's not effective, because if people are set on fighting back, they can. Instead, it happens slowly so nobody knows when to fight back, and those who decide it's time are individualized.
why do the feds allow this info to be shared so freely
Why would it matter, you're still dependant on outside supply chains and most don't and will never have the land to grow anything of reasonable quantity.
I didn’t say that people are currently being forced to register, but with the direction we’re headed in, would you be at all surprised to see it happen in the near future?
Farms are being required to register if they participate in any federal contract. We obtained our high tunnel through a USDA federal contract, and as part of that agreement we had to obtain water rights and register our 1/2 acre farm. Our 5-year contract ended last month, but I'm sure they still have the information on us. Our thought at the time was that having a registered farm would help us to prove that land was being commercially farmed if the local tax man wanted to tax us for earning income from it.
My wife watches YouTubers that have 5+ acres and have large gardens and tons of farm animals. I think to myself - why do the feds allow this info to be shared so freely? Maybe the agenda is to allow the farming to occur so they can get everyone registered. Once registered- you can be controlled.
Homestead does seem like a great idea. If you have residual income to pay taxes and buy stuff that you can't grow or build, you'd be set for life. Plus you have vastly superior food to eat every day, as well as getting regular exercise tending to your land. I'd be plenty happy with 1/3 acre, as it's just me. Do some small scale farming, dig a well, use a geothermal A/C unit, and use solar and hydro with plenty of batteries, and you're completely off the grid.
This is interesting too - earth ships.
If all you need is 1/3 acre, why aren't you doing it right now? Serious question.
You could collect rain water and just not tell anyone. If there's a water table a reasonable distance down, you can dig/drill a well.
Decent property around where I'm at is not that expensive yet. Unfortunately I currently can't afford it.
I've got family members who want to do a business together. .y suggestion is a family food production farm that sells the over production locally.
At this stage, stopping the relatively small number of people who can sustain themselves really isn't important to them. Besides, even these people surely rely on the system for at least some components of their lifestyle.
The information being out there isn't really affecting their plan. You can plainly see this by just looking at the number of people who don't grow their own food...
That's true, but my main point was that even the tiny minority of people who have the space and knowledge to grow their own food and actually do it are still controlled sufficiently through other means. Hardly anybody is actually free.
SHTF isn't a binary. It won't just happen one day. They know that's not effective, because if people are set on fighting back, they can. Instead, it happens slowly so nobody knows when to fight back, and those who decide it's time are individualized.
True. It takes some work to run a small farm
Why would it matter, you're still dependant on outside supply chains and most don't and will never have the land to grow anything of reasonable quantity.
I didn’t say that people are currently being forced to register, but with the direction we’re headed in, would you be at all surprised to see it happen in the near future?
Farms are being required to register if they participate in any federal contract. We obtained our high tunnel through a USDA federal contract, and as part of that agreement we had to obtain water rights and register our 1/2 acre farm. Our 5-year contract ended last month, but I'm sure they still have the information on us. Our thought at the time was that having a registered farm would help us to prove that land was being commercially farmed if the local tax man wanted to tax us for earning income from it.