I don't know what sites you've been on but I see combat footage all the time. I've seen some of THE craziest shit I could have ever imagined ever in Ukraine battle footage.
There is one video from just a few days ago. In this cluster-fuck of a retreat a Russian tank with infantry on top is driving full speed down a road not realizing the HUMVEE and pickups in front of it aren't Russians they are Ukrainian special forces. If you look closely (its footage from a drone up above them) you can see Ukrainian guys on both sides of the road shooting at the mounted infantry and a bunch of them fall off.
They cut the footage to what is clearly a minute later the tank is hauling some serious ass. It goes to turn left cause the road T-bones. It does an electro slide move but cuts its short and hits a tree that is no shit 8-10 feet in diameter. The tree is almost as wide as the tank. It hits it dead center, the tree is cut clean in half like the tank is a giant axe, and it lands dead on top of the tank.
It is strait up the sort of shit you see in a movie and say to yourself that's just crap. No tank would ever do that. Well these Russian's did. And the damn Ukrainians were so surprised by this random tank if you look closely they had a crossfire from hell setup. They were so confused when they started shooting they were shooting AT EACH OTHER as the tank went between them. SMH...
IMHO the real problem is that the footage is being taken we just haven't seen it yet because both sides have banned their people from posting online. Early on footage and pics posted on the net actually got people killed. Its there. We just won't see it until after this shit-show is over. Most WW2 footage wasn't seen for years even decades because it was taken by official military people.
Hang on...
This isn't the original footage. I first saw it on a link to Reddit. It will do though. Pause it at 33 sec. See the Ukrainian guy in the driveway center screen... now look MUCH closer at the ditch on the other side of the road in those bushes. That is more Ukrainians, 4-6 of them, shooting at the mounted soldiers. The guy in the driveway either drops to the ground or gets hit and falls. If this doesn't qualify as crazy combat footage I don't know what possible could.
The one below... start at TC 1:57... at 2:01 he throws a grenade. At 2:04-5 look closely on the left. That is likely a person being blown up into the air by the grenade he threw. IMHO the Ukrainians in this video are freaking lunatics. That's why Russia is now losing. When you don't want to even be there in the first place and lunatics start rushing you throwing grenades like they are tomatoes the only sane thing to do is run away.
I don't know what sites you've been on but I see combat footage all the time. I've seen some of THE craziest shit I could have ever imagined ever in Ukraine battle footage.
There is one video from just a few days ago. In this cluster-fuck of a retreat a Russian tank with infantry on top is driving full speed down a road not realizing the HUMVEE and pickups in front of it aren't Russians they are Ukrainian special forces. If you look closely (its footage from a drone up above them) you can see Ukrainian guys on both sides of the road shooting at the mounted infantry and a bunch of them fall off.
They cut the footage to what is clearly a minute later the tank is hauling some serious ass. It goes to turn left cause the road T-bones. It does an electro slide move but cuts its short and hits a tree that is no shit 8-10 feet in diameter. The tree is almost as wide as the tank. It hits it dead center, the tree is cut clean in half like the tank is a giant axe, and it lands dead on top of the tank.
It is strait up the sort of shit you see in a movie and say to yourself that's just crap. No tank would ever do that. Well these Russian's did. And the damn Ukrainians were so surprised by this random tank if you look closely they had a crossfire from hell setup. They were so confused when they started shooting they were shooting AT EACH OTHER as the tank went between them. SMH...
IMHO the real problem is that the footage is being taken we just haven't seen it yet because both sides have banned their people from posting online. Early on footage and pics posted on the net actually got people killed. Its there. We just won't see it until after this shit-show is over. Most WW2 footage wasn't seen for years even decades because it was taken by official military people.
Hang on...
This isn't the original footage. I first saw it on a link to Reddit. It will do though. Pause it at 33 sec. See the Ukrainian guy in the driveway center screen... now look MUCH closer at the ditch on the other side of the road in those bushes. That is more Ukrainians, 4-6 of them, shooting at the mounted soldiers. The guy in the driveway either drops to the ground or gets hit and falls. If this doesn't qualify as crazy combat footage I don't know what possible could.
The one below... start at TC 1:57... at 2:01 he throws a grenade. At 2:04-5 look closely on the left. That is likely a person being blown up into the air by the grenade he threw. IMHO the Ukrainians in this video are freaking lunatics. That's why Russia is now losing. When you don't want to even be there in the first place and lunatics start rushing you throwing grenades like they are tomatoes the only sane thing to do is run away.