The drops may not say what you think they say- i've done some counts of how many times a word or phrase has been mentioned along with a couple of observations.
biblical 10
chess 11
critical thinking 11
trust yourself 23
think for yourself 28
voice 36
research 64
faith 90
vote 147
God 255
Minor differences in print that make a major real difference- 10 days THEN darkness instead of 10 days OF. there's one that specifically says the earth is not flat.
ufo - #376 explains
dumbs- #96 not the one you're thinking
0 lizards
0 adrenochrome
0 khazarian
0 demonic
2 jews, really only one as the others are in links
2 of satanic
4 underground
5 mason
7 disease
8 tunnel
17 devil
23 pedo
31 no name
40 posts mention 'these people are sick'.
62 virus
63 sheep
155 evil
Check for yourself. What we talk about is not always what's really in there.
how to search - upper right corner of the page- lots more helpful info in the sidebar, think for yourself frens and anons!
Q is lying about the earth. Just pointing out the obvious to anyone who has researched this.
Easily disproven with a buddy, about 700 miles distance, a couple cell phones, a couple 8ft boards staked into the ground, and a couple tape measures.
Sounds like a legit science experiment. Call Bill Nye and let him know.
It was when it was conducted long before NASA or modern technology existed. If you're so sure its all false then you have nothing to fear in trying it out for yourself.
But you won't because then you may have to confront whatever else you may believe to be true. And that's not easy for many.
No need to do whatever science experiment you did with your nerdy buddy. I don’t even know what that experiment would prove. I know the truth. I’ve done extensive research. I know you have not done any research. I know this because if you did do it I guarantee you’d be agreeing with me. I also know everything you know about space. I was taught all of this just like you were. Why don’t you actually do the research on this subject and learn the hundreds of facts that will rock your reality. But you won’t because then you may have to confront whatever else you may believe to be true. And that’s not easy for many.