The drops may not say what you think they say- i've done some counts of how many times a word or phrase has been mentioned along with a couple of observations.
biblical 10
chess 11
critical thinking 11
trust yourself 23
think for yourself 28
voice 36
research 64
faith 90
vote 147
God 255
Minor differences in print that make a major real difference- 10 days THEN darkness instead of 10 days OF. there's one that specifically says the earth is not flat.
ufo - #376 explains
dumbs- #96 not the one you're thinking
0 lizards
0 adrenochrome
0 khazarian
0 demonic
2 jews, really only one as the others are in links
2 of satanic
4 underground
5 mason
7 disease
8 tunnel
17 devil
23 pedo
31 no name
40 posts mention 'these people are sick'.
62 virus
63 sheep
155 evil
Check for yourself. What we talk about is not always what's really in there.
how to search - upper right corner of the page- lots more helpful info in the sidebar, think for yourself frens and anons!
How reliable do you find Q? I feel like any plain or straight forward predictions he makes are usually wrong (with some convoluted reason why it didn't happen) and most of his credibility is based on his more vague statements, kind of Nostradamus style. But I guess that doesn't matter. It seems like people around here are happy to ignore what he says when it suits them, like when people quote Alex Jones even though Q said he's working for Mossad.
I find the whole corpus of Q drops a very fascinating body of words, as one who has written a lot of things including fiction and was a huge fan of mysteries and thrillers. It could serve many information purposes. It has to be "real" enough to keep people coming back for more, and it has to be "uncrackable" in the sense of not giving away the author(s) through style or self-doxxing. This is quite a feat of writing.. As to the "proofs" and "deltas" and "comms," those are not from Q, those are the works of people trying to find meaning in an enigma. They may hit on a truth or they may wander off into their own pet conspiracies. Nevertheless, it is all very thought provoking and stimulates involvement, and I think lack of involvement is what makes society deteriorate.