Qled 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can't President Trump just release the list now? In previous interviews he has said he doesn't want innocent people to be targeted by the contents, so maybe we just need to wait on this.

Qled 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't want to see it, but I have some investments there, so I wouldn't mind. I figure, if you buy stock in the DS, then you'll make money when they do. That makes us hard to beat.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why is this so controversial? We're in the fight of our lives here, and we finally have a leader we can fully trust. If he says to this crypto is good and worth putting our money into, then it is. Seriously, real patriots are needed to win this war. The whole reason the deep state is able to succeed and stay in power is because good men do nothing. Now that we are on the inside track, and know who the good guys are, you're saying that we need to not put our eggs in one basket? Unbelievable.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

President Trump has said:

“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution”

We can't let our enemies use the technicalities of the constitution to hold us back. We have to continue to push forward while in power, otherwise we will be sidelined, and they will make sure we will never have another chance at this.

Qled 1 point ago +2 / -1

That wasn't really backed by President Trump though, it was a fraud. People who perpetuate those should be punished to the max extent possible.

Qled 1 point ago +2 / -1

He has a purpose in releasing this coin. It is obviously is going to play some role in fighting the Deep State. I'm a digital soldier, fighting for the next generation. I'm all in on President Trump. Half ass measures and a "very small amount" isn't going to defeat the deep state and the global elite. We need to be all in here.

Qled 0 points ago +2 / -2

What is there to reconsider? Crypto is the future, and President Trump has embraced it. What more do I need to know?

Qled -11 points ago +3 / -14

There is no practical difference. It can be used as currency like any other crypto. If it was renamed "Trump Dollars", then that's what it would be. It would also really rub it in the liberals faces, so that alone would make it worth it.

Qled -21 points ago +6 / -27

I hope it is something to do with his Crypto Currency, $Trump. I put a lot of money into it, and it has been sagging. I think it will replace the US dollar, so everyone here should buy in before they become really expensive.

Qled 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm sorry, but that is the stupidest take I've read on here yet. According to your logic: people should lose their lives because the airline need to make a couple of extra bucks by cutting corners.

People die all the time anyway. The question is, do we really live? We can’t just keep legislating all these safety nets. It erodes personal responsibility. Right now, we are all being punished because some people won’t take personal responsibility. That is basically a core fundamental of communism, total control of everyone.

The context was that back in those days people worked 12 hour shifts for 6 days a week. They had no rights whatsoever and work place injuries were at an all time high. A lot of them couldn't get any jobs because of the said loss of body parts or injuries. Clearly by your logic, Americans back in the day where some dumb fuck retards because they kept losing their limbs and dying on their job sites in droves.

Injuries were only higher because people were dumb. And yes, removing OSHA and all the hand holding may result in more injuries. However, this is a more fair system because it will punish stupidity and reward risk and intelligence. Also, people still work 84 hours a week, and more. This is a free country, everyone should be allowed to work as much as they want.

Roosevelt's policies were designed to help the American worker, and curb the influence of the corporate elite which btw is the reason our country is going to shit, and not federal govt.

President Trump is creating a new elite. Look at Elon Musk. He was a poor immigrant from South Africa who believed in the American dream. He has worked hard and is now the richest man in the world, and one of the most powerful. Much of the current elite are only in power because of protection from the government.

Tbf, they didn't codify a lot of things. That's why the left us the option of doing it ourselves via amendments. Labor laws aren't unconstitutional because they don't contradict an individual's rights, unlike income tax for example. So your opposition to them is just baffling to me.

The tenth amendment says “any powers not given to the federal government are reserved for the states or the people”. This is a right that is for us, we the people, and we shouldn’t cede this over to big daddy government because some individuals can’t take personal responsibility. You say these laws don’t contradict our rights, but they do. People tell me that I can’t work a job without a ugly yellow vest and a hard hat. That should be my right to choose. And further, corporations are people to. They have rights that need to be respected as well.

Retarded take as we are literally trying to emulate their policies here. They have healthier food, better healthcare, cheaper and better education, they are less stressed, etc. I've talked to plenty of Americans that were deployed or lived in these countries and they only have 1 thing to say: "We've been cheated". Not only do they tell me how much different things are there, but you can see that they are very different after they come back. That short stint overseas changes them as humans. Calling these countries losers just speaks of your ignorance considering our own founding fathers spent a lot of time in them and had only good things to say about them(i.e. France for example).

I have a hard time taking seriously anything from someone who has abandoned the US and lived somewhere else. Of course they will say stuff like that. Every person I’ve ever met who was a big international traveler was also very liberal.

There is one part of the argument that you've skirted over that I want to address: "Americans can pick the best option because free market economy" Looking at the evidence you are 100% wrong and I can say that based on a simple litmus test: the food supply. According to your logic, if we deal away with regulations, the market will fix itself. The US has the least regulated food in the world. The result?

Our food market is far from free. First off, large corporations control most of the food market. Do you know why? Regulations. I can’t buy fresh milk from my neighbor because the government says they have to boil it first. That is absurd. If I want raw milk, I should be able to drink it. The FDA poses such huge burdens on food companies that only the largest ones can survive. A single recall is enough to devastate a small company. This should not be happening. Once we abolish the FDA, the market will be wide open to anyone who wants to participate. Local growers will have a natural advantage in the market. It also doesn’t help that the government subsidizes corn and puts it in absolutely everything. We just need a hands-off approach.

Again, this comes back to personal responsibility. A fully functioning adult should be able to figure out what food is good, and what companies are creating healthy food. Bad food companies will go out of business because consumers will have lots of options and won’t choose them.

Americans are the sickest nation in the western world. We have some of the highest obesity rates as well as the highest chronic conditions of any nation on the planet. According to you, that should've been impossible because the people would've stopped doing it. However as we can see, our nation's health has been steadily declining since the 1960's.

All because of big government regulatory capture. The US government is larger and spends more than any other government in the world. It is a bloated corpse that rides on our back. It is forcing people to choose unhealthy foods and limits our options. By removing all this regulation, the free market will correct these issues. Some people will eat unhealthy foods, but this brings us back to personal accountability. If you are drinking soda, eating fried foods, doing cocaine, or getting tons of body modifications, then that is your problem, not the mine, and not the government's.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look, if people aren't willing to put in the work to promote themselves and tell their story, then there isn't much we can do. Creating a bloated government entity only makes this worse. Maybe some people will have a hard time, but that's nothing compared to the difficulty we all face when the economy is weighed down so heavily with regulation.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

Apparently that's too much for some around here though. When did personal responsibility become such a bad thing?

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the company is paying out insurance claims, then they are fulfilling their end of the deal. If employees aren't satisfied with the level of protection that is afforded, they can get other jobs. That's the beauty of the free market, it is self correcting.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is where the communities and private charity organizations come into play. They can raise money privately. Look at Kyle Rittenhouse. Many people chipped in to help him fight injustice, and it worked. No government intervention needed.

Qled 0 points ago +1 / -1

The free market can work only if regulated properly which is against the antithesis of the most libertarians. The only way it can function is by having a healthy division between small, medium and large businesses. Take the airline industry as an example: you have the FAA needing to approve any merger. Recently they declined the merger of Spirit and Blue Jet because it would make them too big to compete against. As a result, the Airline industry is one of the most competitive and you can see the free market in action.

Airlines are one of the most regulated industries there is. Because of these regulations, a new airliner might cost tens of millions of dollars. Parts for airlines cost ten times their cost for the same part at the local hardware store. This makes it so only the biggest players. All we need to do to make this competitive is remove the regulations. Let the passengers and the companies themselves decide what level of risk they are comfortable with.

Last time we let the market fix itself, we got wonderful people like Rockefeller, Rothchilds and co monopolize our economy. It took a certain Teddy "Bull Moose" Roosevelt(The Trump of his time) to break up the said monopolies and restore some balance to our economy.

Teddy Roosevelt was a "progressive". Yeah, he helped in some ways, but he also did a lot of damage. He was in favor of things like "national health insurance", a progressive income tax, an inheritance tax, and social welfare programs (unemployment insurance, old age pensions). His environmental conservative violated the principles of private ownership and paved the way for the massive amount of land controlled by the government today. Last, his third party candidacy basically handed the Democrats their first Presidential win in decades and put Woodrow Wilson in office, who was the Carter Clinton Biden of his day. This is why we need to get back to teaching real history in our schools.

I geniunely don't understand the notion that a codified document of your rights is somehow harmful. You should tell that to our founding fathers who wrote the constitution. They understood human nature. And yet somehow the same human nature doesn't apply in business. I don't get that. Imagine if the founding fathers where like: People can figure out for themselves which government they want. If they want communism, well they're not stupid, they can pick it because freedom. Do you see how ridicoulos this sounds?

The constitution doesn't mention anything about labor regulations, so yes, the founding fathers did want to leave it up to us to figure out. We can still codify standards, but their adoption should be voluntary so that there is competition among the standards. That way the most efficient, and profitable standards will rise to the top.

I will also leave this here: only shithole countries don't have any labor laws. Any country worth it's salt has very good labor laws. You know all the based countries that eveyone likes to worship here? They all have labor laws: Japan, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden(pre-mass migration), Russia, etc. Some of them even have constitutional ammendaments that give their workers right to paid leave something this country could learn.

Do you know what all those countries you mentioned have in common? They’re losers. Labor laws can be good, but more often than not, they impede business and progress. Do you know why young people are so liberal and don’t care about our country? It is because they’ve never had to work. They think childhood is all fun and games with their parents providing everything, and now they want uncle Sam to do the same. If you talk to kids who grew up working on a farm, they’ll tell you differently. They’re hardworking, independent, and don’t expect handouts. Sure, there were some issues with children working, back in the day, but child labors laws and minimum wage have made it impossible for children to work and is rotting out the moral fiber of our nation. As I’ve said before, we don’t need laws. We can do much better with the free market, and independent voluntary standards. Then workers can choose to work for companies that adhere to the standards they think best suit them. This will help teach personal responsibility, which is sorely lacking in our youth today. This is what MAGA is all about, making America truly great again, like is used to be.

Qled 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yup. This is the result of homosexuality taking over our education system.

Qled 3 points ago +3 / -0

The free market can produce a system. Businesses create standards all the time. It may take a while, but they usually will all land at the same place. It can be like how certain products will say "this conforms with such and such standard". We do this for organic foods and IT equipment. Basically, when someone goes to apply for a job, they can look up what standards of workers rights and safety that the company voluntarily complies with. This will be efficient and will utilize the free market to help make decisions.

Qled 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yup, that's the plan. Besides the ones I see often listed, I'm looking forward to purging the USPS, the NWS, and especially the NPS.

Qled 10 points ago +10 / -0

This is exactly what is wrong with America. Always worrying about safety and problems that are unlikely to happen. If she wants to ride with her hair down, then that is her choice to make. We really need to get back to what it means to be free Americans. You should be able to work however you want, taking any risk you are OK with.

Qled 4 points ago +5 / -1

There are already accountability measures, I mentioned in the post. Bad employers will get sued and will have a hard time recruiting good workers.

Qled 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mostly just the memes and the DD when it pops up.

Qled 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mostly just posts over on r/superstonk on Reddit. The apes over there are strong.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

And the idea that, even if somehow the MOASS comes courtesy of GME, if there were secretly hundreds of secret dark cakes hidden under the floorboards of the party, a Fed backed up by nuclear weapons and the greatest military the world has ever seen would actually just hand over trillions of dollars to a handful of apes is ridiculous. You are in a casino. They are under no real obligation to pay out if they don’t want to. And no one is going to let the military be bankrupted over shorting GameStop. I am truly sorry you poured this much money into bag-holding.

You don't think so? I know a lot of people who are willing to pay huge sums of money before they'll admit that they're wrong. Why would the government be any different?

As for $TRUMP, Trump knows nothing about it. Some enterpriser was able to call in some favors to be able to have a quick meeting, pitch an easy way for a man who has been financially targeted for years to make some quick cash while generating excitement and brand loyalty, and he signed on. Trump has been actively trying to strengthen the dollar, not weaken or replace it. He has been putting pressure on multiple countries through multiple means to ensure that the dollar remains the standard for international commerce.

This is run by his company and was posted on his social media accounts. President Trump has our backs, he wouldn't just release some random new crypto to fleece his most loyal followers, that's absurd.

As for the dollar, we know the Federal Reserve (a private institution) controls the monetary supply and is full of Deep State actors. The way I see it, instead of fighting for a weakening currency that will be hamstrung by the DS, he'll be able to pull a 5D chess move and simply invalidate the USD. Instead of fighting in a defensive position, the DS will have to start moving their assets into crypto or other currencies, a perfect time to catch them in their transactions.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't get swindled. GME still has a lot of potential to make a comeback. It has slowly lost value, and I'm down about 85%, but the cheaper it gets, the more I buy (thanks for the tasty dip). MOASS really could happen and change the power dynamics in this country. I'm still hodling, but that's a different conversation.

So, you don't think President Trump will replace the USD with $TRUMP? It just makes so much sense. Why else would he release this (and $MELANIA) right before his inauguration? It's perfect. This way he can completely bypass the oversite of the Federal Reserve. It is a currency that President Trump controls 80% of. He'll be able to fairly distribute the gains to his followers, devalue the Deep States dollar based assets, and reform the financial markets and banking system all in one fell swoop. It is absolutely incredible!

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