Qled -1 points ago +2 / -3

We seriously need to stop the anti-electric vehicle propaganda. They're not the savior of mankind, but the technology is awesome, and they have a lot of legitimate advantages over traditional ICE cars. Also, we know that all the environmental stuff is a hoax, and I expect batteries are the same. Forever chemicals is just a scar tactic. Do you know what is a forever chemical? Water. It's just another way to say that it tends to stick around in nature. Also, everything you said about electric chargers is true about gas stations, except I can put an electric charger in my house, which is pretty cool.

Qled 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm fine with top earners paying more taxes. I'm done defending billionaires while the rest of us are getting chump change. All of them turn out to be left leaning anyway, so let's just give them what they want and tax the crap out of them.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

The peace deals were specifically made to be rejected. They had terms that Putin knew the Ukrainians couldn't take. If Putin wanted to end the war, we know he could easily do it.

Qled 2 points ago +2 / -0

It doesn't work that way. All that happened is that a candidate drops out, so the vote isn't split anymore. A majority of French people are center-left, so if a left leaning candidate drops out, most people will likely vote for the center candidate.

Qled 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's not how this works. After the first round of election, the seats that don't have a majority go into a run-off. If a candidate drops out, their previous votes don't go anywhere, they just won't be an option during the next round. They only "give" their votes because they've dropped out and most French people feel more comfortable with left wing politicians than right wing politicians.

Qled 2 points ago +2 / -0

Then what's the point of requiring ID and paper ballots if they just change the results afterward?

Qled 4 points ago +4 / -0

Are you saying that Nazi's represented societal progress?

Qled 8 points ago +8 / -0

My fear is that the liberals will be able to get the economy growing and many will never wake up. All you need to control people and stay in power is to provide people with jobs, good healthcare and childcare, some nice benefits, worker protections, and a few other nice things, and the people seem happy with it and don't ask any questions. Heck, if liberals provided those for me, I would vote for them too, at least, if I didn't know any better. Even then, it would be a struggle.

Qled 6 points ago +6 / -0

How is it a subversion though? It looks like this is just the election outcome, unless you think that the election was stolen. France requires ID verified, in person voting, so it is locked down pretty tight.

Qled 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wait, I thought a peace deal would allow the Ukrainian government to stay intact. Why would Putin want a peace deal when he is slowly closing in? Sounds like compromise to me.

Qled 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not to mention, revolutions often do not go well, especially in relatively stable, western democracies.

Qled 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hang on, are we just taking the Justice Department's word on this? Notice how none of these supposed children are named. Anyone could write, "we found a 16-year-old girl". It smells like psyop to me to try and distract us from the fact that the first robot has apparently committed suicide. That's like a really big deal. We know from the Q drop that is reference that this time it is different because we are in control.



Qled -5 points ago +5 / -10

Are we sure she's transgender? I feel like if she was, the left would be saying it very loud and proud. I just haven't seen any evidence that Michelle actually is. She might have more muscle tone than most women, but some men like that, I'm not knocking it.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks, I always try to evaluate new ideas. I think by the 1930s, that had a decent idea of what viruses were, even if they didn't always know how to fight them. As for vaccines, my understanding is that the very first "vaccine" was for a virus. Smallpox is a devastating virus. In the late 1700's, a Physician named Edward Jenner realized that his patients who had been infected with the much milder Cowpox were immune to smallpox. By intentionally infecting patients with cowpox, lives were saved, or so the story goes. It sounds fairly reasonable.

Viruses are not living in of themselves, but they contain information. When they're absorbed into a cell, the cell reads the instructions and is hijacked, creating more viruses. Maybe a good example would be something like a computer virus. It simply is code. By itself, it does nothing. But once it is run on a computer, it can multiply itself, spread from computer to computer, all without actually being a computer in of itself. A weakened or dead virus is one that has been maybe irradiated, so that it's genetic information is destroyed, but the actual shape of it is still recognizable to the bodies immune system. It's like scratching a CD. It doesn't work anymore, but you can still tell what it is.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've done some reading, but it seems to solely focus on the US. It doesn't explain how other countries also had outbreaks and soldiers dying, especially those who were at war with the US during the start of it, like Germany. They sure weren't importing vaccines from the US while also in the middle of a war with them. An actual virus makes a lot more sense with the reports of spreading and death than a bad vaccine, which for some reason was continually pushed.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

What I'm pointing out is that President Trump didn't abolish the IRS during his first term because it would have been a bad idea, and I don't think his mind has changed on this. He's not a fricken libertarian. He's a business man, and he understands that sometimes, you have to spend money to make money, a LOT of money. There are a lot of liberals rolling in cash, who better than the IRS to clamp down on it.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then why hasn't Q or President Trump blown that wide open? 9/11 is one of the most global moments in the past several decades, but neither one of them has made a peep to challenge the narrative.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

And all the European nations just accepted the vaccines and killed millions of their own populations as well? The reason this is called the Spanish Flu because Spain was the first to publically declare the numbers of those who were dying. They weren't getting box loads of these vaccines during the middle of the war, so what caused that?

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

Germany declared war on the US, what were we supposed to do? Just ignore it and hope the Nazi's stayed on their side of the ocean?

Qled 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why did we even fight WWII? The US should have stayed out of it.

The US was attacked on our own soil. Should we have just rolled over and ignored all the Americans killed at Pearl Harbor and the Philippines? Also, if we had stayed out of WW2, we wouldn't be the powerhouse that we are today. The massive jump in manufacturing capacity and the dollar being made the world reserve currency were all outcomes of WW2.

If government leaders want to fight overseas, let them and their families don fatigues.

But we aren't fighting overseas. There aren't any American soldiers fighting on the ground in Ukraine.

Most of all, we need transparency in ALL agencies that would survive a purge.

Sure, but I still don't see how we could fund this on alcohol taxes and tariffs. I think the interstate system alone costs more than the government could bring in on those.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'll respond to both of your comments here.

I certainly believe people are suffering from auto-immune diseases. Nearly everyone I know has one or several of them! Which I believe are from previous vaccinations (childhood and adult, flu shots, boosters, covid, etc), from toxic exposure (chemicals, fertilizer, improper sewage treatment, etc), and from poor nutrition (either from poverty or harmful additives added to our food supply).

Then why aren't doctors diagnosing them with AIDS if they have HIV antibodies?

Like Mag said in this thread, look into Polio, Spanish Flu, Covid. Were these caused by viruses or toxins? (Vaccinations, BTW, are injections of toxins.)

What doesn't make sense to me is that these things happened quite quickly. There were only two known vaccinations at the time of the Spanish Flu, one for Smallpox and one for Typhoid fever. Neither one of these were widespread throughout the population. If the "disease" was caused by these, you would expect it to only affect countries and places with high vaccination rates. However, it hit everywhere, and it did so rapidly. Massive numbers of people weren't being vaccinated, so how could this be caused by vaccines? I think questioning is good, but trying to attribute all these things to vaccines seems dubious. Even during Covid, 99% of people were already vaccinated and had been since childhood. Why did everything change so quickly then if it wasn't a virus? I got sick with what they called Covid and I haven't been that sick in more than a decade at least.

Are you sure a HIV test could be given without a medical questionnaire being submitted? I can't get any test or procedure done without that paperwork.

You can get an anonymous test in the mail. I think they still do ask questions, but there is no way to verify since they don't require an ID. If they were making up results, it would be super easy to find out, and I think we would already see people showing us just that.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

Business as usual ends with Trump.

Did it that last time he was in office?

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