I'm not disputing / discussing the merits of JIT vs......whatever you call the alternative; I'm simply sharing what I learned during this scamdemic that virtually everything / every business / every organization has shifted to JIT over the past few decades.
Absolutely blew my fucking mind to learn that HOSPITALS treat much if not MOST of their medical supplies with JIT.......!!!!!
I understand why JIT makes sense......until it doesn't....... like now.
I'm not disputing / discussing the merits of JIT vs......whatever you call the alternative; I'm simply sharing what I learned during this scamdemic that virtually everything / every business / every organization has shifted to JIT over the past few decades.
Absolutely blew my fucking mind to learn that HOSPITALS treat much if not MOST of their medical supplies with JIT.......!!!!!
I understand why JIT makes sense......until it doesn't....... like now.