100 Ohio’s House Bill 99 has gone into effect now teachers, principals and school staff are permitted to carry firearms on campus and classrooms. posted 2 years ago by lovecymru 2 years ago by lovecymru +100 / -0 https://www.westernjournal.com/ohio-house-bill-99-goes-effect-teachers-can-now-carry-firearms-try-protect-kids/ 7 comments share 7 comments share save hide report block hide replies
An armed society is a polite society...
Good for them! This is the way to protect the children. Gun free zones are killing zones.
Our school district just moved forward with this just the other week because this just went into effect.
My state has had this for years, with No shootings.
At this point, I am becoming a proponent of children themselves being able to carry. After all, it is the sick adults of the world that are targeting them as they know they are defenseless.