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I am turning more and more to music to soothe the savage beast in these trying times, not that I wasn't listening before, I am just revisiting tunes and re-interpreting lyrics. Good way to pass the time, and a good way to draw parallels to what is going on today.
Speaking of music, what are you listening to?
I am a metal boy at heart however I have stopped listening to angry music and found myself listening to uplifting/emotional orchestral music. For some reason I find these making the monster inside of me even angrier however at the same time, controlling it. Never forgetting who and what crimes have been committed to humanity.
Give the album Talk, by Yes a listen. Not exactly an orchestra, but very orchestral in production. All excellent musicians, and it’s pretty uplifting and emotional. Been one of my favorite albums for a very long time.
Thank you fren. This is cheery, quite a contrast to what I've been listening to. I immediately feel my heart being lifted.
I have been living in solitude and have a much darker view of the world right now. Here's one of the things I've been listening to:
Hey there! I posted below, I think our posts crossed on the web :) I still listen to metal once in a while when I want to clear the sinuses, lol. Cinderella was a great band. Some old Black Sabbath can do the trick. Van Halen too. Triumph had some great tunes, and Rush was something else [think YYZ - yow]. Led Zeppelin was phenomenal. The largest part of the collection, though, is classical. There is even some stuff I don't listen to because I will drive right off the road, lol. Case in point: Beethoven's 9th Symphony, 4th movement. When they start singing in German and then bring the whole choir in, I'm done. Mozart's Mass in C Minor, Kyrie makes me want to fly up to the heavens. Ay ay ay, I could go on forever 😁
Hey fellow music lover! I "self-medicate" with music to keep the tinnitus at bay, among other things, inner beast included. Music is as good for the body as the heart.
Thanks. I have built quite an eclectic mix, from Bach and Handel to Foster the People, and just about everything in between across many genres. I'm a little light in the jazz department, but I can always listen to Diana Krall and Dave Brubeck and get in the mood. I do have something of a weakness for some of the one-hit wonders available on movies, i.e Who You Talkin' To Man [Ciscandra Nostalgia] from John Wick, Got a Feeling/Can't Let Go [Caught a Ghost] from Bosch, and Outlaw State of Mind [Chris Stapleton] from Hell or High Water. There are many others. I put it all on a USB stick and have it hooked to the car stereo in my Crown Vic [three amps, two subs, two 6x9's and two 6.5's] - thanks to my recently deceased mother-in-law and her inheritance :) There's nothing like driving to work, observing the eastern Tennessee sunrise, hitting the curves on a country road and cranking a Bach Organ Concerto - and then driving home after a day with high school teenagers and cranking Deep Purple's Lazy. Aaah yes, the power of music 😎😜
Man, it's therapy of a holy sort. I used to do a lot of 12-hour drives cross country with The Gaslight Anthem blaring and my voice hoarse from singing along. Made some of my best memories that way.
Cheers fren!
Back at ya 😉