Light and momentary afflictions (as the apostle Paul says), you view life on earth as the pinnacle of your existence, God views the pinnacle of man to be with him in paradise, not our lives on earth. We (as humanity) have made our bed, and we now lie in it. Don’t blame God for the errors of man. God graciously doesn’t give us our Just reward. Eternal existence apart from God. Meaningless, worthless, destructive existence in hell.
I'm not catholic. So I could care less what the vatican says. My church is structured much like a republic when you go up the chain (local church is led by the elders - spiritually and deacons - physically).
Post writing of the Bible, about every 500 years have been major milestones in a return to the faith. Nicea, Thomas Aquinas, Reformation, Great Awakening (1st and so far, only). We are approaching the next one. These major milestones were not generated, generally, in one lifetime. There was things that led up to it, things that paved the way. These things were not controlled by the elites, the elites tried very hard to stop them. They continued and succeeded by the grace of God. I don't blindly believe everything I hear from any particular person/people. I have reasoning, convictions, and experience I use. This all stems from gifts that God has given each of us. The problem is that people mistake the order, putting reasoning above God's word, except that the reasoning used is never their own, but another's. Someone plants the seed of doubt, and each of us waters it until it grows in strength. God gives us the Bible. God commands us to test that which we hear. Test ministers, test the scriptures, test, test, test. That is how the Bible today has come to be. Not from the overlords in the vatican, but by people seeking truth, fought and died to that system, and caused a seismic wave across the world. People have carried on that torch. There was no "system" to hand the torch to. The system would have destroyed the torch, which lights our way even today. The elite, cabal, system, whatever name you give them, have sought to maintain power throughout many many centuries. They do so, as you say, by manipulation. They use that manipulation in multiple ways. They control finances, religious facilities, governments, schools, resources to make people think how they would prefer the masses to think. Then there's the outsiders, the rebels. They aren't powerless against them, they utilize different techniques, just like in republican politics today. You get someone in there to stir up trouble, and if they do a good enough job, they can prevent unity in the outsiders, rebels, etc.
You are free to call it a "dark" reply, and I don't deny it is. But it is also the reality we live in. There will never be a perfect government. That being said, you must strive, daily, to make the best for you, yours, and those around you. You ought to seek to make life better for everyone. The number 1 way to do that, is government reform. Get the government out of people's lives. Let local communities, churches and the like, to take care of those in need. Great governments are not noticed in daily life, and a free society is like a rising tide lifting all boats.
The proof of young earth is actually spit upon by the people you accuse me of holding up which is kind of funny/ironic. On the contrary, those who show valid evidence of a young earth are silenced and shunned. Makes you wonder, with everything you see nowadays...
The reformers fought against the Catholic ideology and won because they had truth on their side.
Additionally the Catholic Church is born from the Vatican 2 a known flawed transcription of the Bible. Satan very well may be the head of the beginnings of the Catholic Church. Any Catholic who read the Bible (clergy alone were allowed to, whereas commoners were not) & had a desire for the truth knew that the Catholic religion was wrong. Some set out to fix it, some set out to start afresh. Post 1500AD, those who did so were martyrs but they got the ball rolling, by that time it was over. Early church (a vibrant view on true Christianity) Christianity was not Catholic. The catholic actually means universal. The church was made universal which you can essentially think of federalization, this actually ruined the churches. Not all at once with a bang, but they all lost their strength in their own time. Catholicism gained religious power, and that led to other power, political, military, financial, etc. all things which the Bible never called for, yet the “universal” church had been doing those things. These people are sick.
Additionally again, Christians profess a catholic church in the creed, but the intended point is not a Catholic / Universal Church, but speaking of the invisible church, the church that spans time and space. Effectively it means the gathering together of God’s chosen people. God is the God of the living and not the dead. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Does this mean they are alive? Yes, alive in Christ (meaning Christ sanctified them once and for all on the cross, in former times God passed over sins, crediting their debt to the cost of the cross), when you die, does your body resurrect (within a few days)? No, your soul is immediately taken up (or down), and you face the grave or you enjoy His presence. The resurrection happens once, whereas God makes his final and absolute judgement, day of judgement, day of wonders hark the trumpet’s awful sound, louder than a thousand thunders, shakes the vast creation round. The chosen people, those who’s name is written in the Book of Life will receive their reward, they are the invisible church. I think I’ve left enough crumbs here for the truly interested to follow. The book of life is an interesting search on a Bible app.
Light and momentary afflictions (as the apostle Paul says), you view life on earth as the pinnacle of your existence, God views the pinnacle of man to be with him in paradise, not our lives on earth. We (as humanity) have made our bed, and we now lie in it. Don’t blame God for the errors of man. God graciously doesn’t give us our Just reward. Eternal existence apart from God. Meaningless, worthless, destructive existence in hell.
I'm not catholic. So I could care less what the vatican says. My church is structured much like a republic when you go up the chain (local church is led by the elders - spiritually and deacons - physically).
Post writing of the Bible, about every 500 years have been major milestones in a return to the faith. Nicea, Thomas Aquinas, Reformation, Great Awakening (1st and so far, only). We are approaching the next one. These major milestones were not generated, generally, in one lifetime. There was things that led up to it, things that paved the way. These things were not controlled by the elites, the elites tried very hard to stop them. They continued and succeeded by the grace of God. I don't blindly believe everything I hear from any particular person/people. I have reasoning, convictions, and experience I use. This all stems from gifts that God has given each of us. The problem is that people mistake the order, putting reasoning above God's word, except that the reasoning used is never their own, but another's. Someone plants the seed of doubt, and each of us waters it until it grows in strength. God gives us the Bible. God commands us to test that which we hear. Test ministers, test the scriptures, test, test, test. That is how the Bible today has come to be. Not from the overlords in the vatican, but by people seeking truth, fought and died to that system, and caused a seismic wave across the world. People have carried on that torch. There was no "system" to hand the torch to. The system would have destroyed the torch, which lights our way even today. The elite, cabal, system, whatever name you give them, have sought to maintain power throughout many many centuries. They do so, as you say, by manipulation. They use that manipulation in multiple ways. They control finances, religious facilities, governments, schools, resources to make people think how they would prefer the masses to think. Then there's the outsiders, the rebels. They aren't powerless against them, they utilize different techniques, just like in republican politics today. You get someone in there to stir up trouble, and if they do a good enough job, they can prevent unity in the outsiders, rebels, etc.
You are free to call it a "dark" reply, and I don't deny it is. But it is also the reality we live in. There will never be a perfect government. That being said, you must strive, daily, to make the best for you, yours, and those around you. You ought to seek to make life better for everyone. The number 1 way to do that, is government reform. Get the government out of people's lives. Let local communities, churches and the like, to take care of those in need. Great governments are not noticed in daily life, and a free society is like a rising tide lifting all boats.
The proof of young earth is actually spit upon by the people you accuse me of holding up which is kind of funny/ironic. On the contrary, those who show valid evidence of a young earth are silenced and shunned. Makes you wonder, with everything you see nowadays...
The reformers fought against the Catholic ideology and won because they had truth on their side.
Additionally the Catholic Church is born from the Vatican 2 a known flawed transcription of the Bible. Satan very well may be the head of the beginnings of the Catholic Church. Any Catholic who read the Bible (clergy alone were allowed to, whereas commoners were not) & had a desire for the truth knew that the Catholic religion was wrong. Some set out to fix it, some set out to start afresh. Post 1500AD, those who did so were martyrs but they got the ball rolling, by that time it was over. Early church (a vibrant view on true Christianity) Christianity was not Catholic. The catholic actually means universal. The church was made universal which you can essentially think of federalization, this actually ruined the churches. Not all at once with a bang, but they all lost their strength in their own time. Catholicism gained religious power, and that led to other power, political, military, financial, etc. all things which the Bible never called for, yet the “universal” church had been doing those things. These people are sick.
Additionally again, Christians profess a catholic church in the creed, but the intended point is not a Catholic / Universal Church, but speaking of the invisible church, the church that spans time and space. Effectively it means the gathering together of God’s chosen people. God is the God of the living and not the dead. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Does this mean they are alive? Yes, alive in Christ (meaning Christ sanctified them once and for all on the cross, in former times God passed over sins, crediting their debt to the cost of the cross), when you die, does your body resurrect (within a few days)? No, your soul is immediately taken up (or down), and you face the grave or you enjoy His presence. The resurrection happens once, whereas God makes his final and absolute judgement, day of judgement, day of wonders hark the trumpet’s awful sound, louder than a thousand thunders, shakes the vast creation round. The chosen people, those who’s name is written in the Book of Life will receive their reward, they are the invisible church. I think I’ve left enough crumbs here for the truly interested to follow. The book of life is an interesting search on a Bible app.
Might want to read a Bible some time.