"The Iron Cross (German: Eisernes Kreuz, listen (help·info), abbreviated EK) was a military decoration in the Kingdom of Prussia, and later in the German Empire (1871-1918) and Nazi Germany (1933-1945)."
So does the Swastika predate Nazi Germany. So does a spiral predate its current use in pedophile rings. Of course I know the Iron Cross predates Nazi Germany as well. Do you not know how symbols work? There's nothing new under the sun. Doesn't mean we can't expose our enemies with their symbolism. Put on your thinking cap for just a second here instead of going off on accusing me of not knowing things I am well aware of and making baseless insults. You're embarrassing.
"The Iron Cross (German: Eisernes Kreuz, listen (help·info), abbreviated EK) was a military decoration in the Kingdom of Prussia, and later in the German Empire (1871-1918) and Nazi Germany (1933-1945)."
Everyone breaths air. Not everyone wears an iron cross. That tends to be Nazis.
I think you’re an absolute dishonest idiot for making that absurd analogy.
So does the Swastika predate Nazi Germany. So does a spiral predate its current use in pedophile rings. Of course I know the Iron Cross predates Nazi Germany as well. Do you not know how symbols work? There's nothing new under the sun. Doesn't mean we can't expose our enemies with their symbolism. Put on your thinking cap for just a second here instead of going off on accusing me of not knowing things I am well aware of and making baseless insults. You're embarrassing.
So...? If you don’t want ammo against leftists then why are you ridiculing me for supplying it?