Arguing on behalf of the iron cross, the black sun and swastika makes you, at a minimum, pro-Nazi paraphernalia. Don't cry over Nazis abducting your precious symbols, it happened long before you were born. At no point in your life was the iron cross not a Nazi symbol.
Someone posts a photo of Zelinsky wearing an iron cross.
Nazitards: "It doesn't mean what you think it means".
Then there was this thread 5 months ago:
showing 6 pointed stars throughout history and in every corner of the world.
Also Nazitards: "All those 6 sided stars are absolutely Israel influenced."
Arguing on behalf of the iron cross, the black sun and swastika makes you, at a minimum, pro-Nazi paraphernalia. Don't cry over Nazis abducting your precious symbols, it happened long before you were born. At no point in your life was the iron cross not a Nazi symbol.