The numbers are important. The Earth has a magnetic field, for heaven's sake, which will always be present. Human beings generate electric potentials in their nerves and muscles, and the Earth has its own electric field. We emit passive microwave and radio radiation. All this background "noise," and what is the signal supposed to be? Arm waving.
I am reading that the "vaccinations" induce the body to shed the protein spikes. Not implausible. Less zany than deadly radiations.
The numbers are important. The Earth has a magnetic field, for heaven's sake, which will always be present. Human beings generate electric potentials in their nerves and muscles, and the Earth has its own electric field. We emit passive microwave and radio radiation. All this background "noise," and what is the signal supposed to be? Arm waving.
I am reading that the "vaccinations" induce the body to shed the protein spikes. Not implausible. Less zany than deadly radiations.