Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. — Hebrews 4:16
Near the beginning of the COVID pandemic, I recall going to a place to eat with someone. This was just before the widespread shutdowns and chaos that we experienced and the restaurant was having an issue with their payment system. At the front counter was a sign and in big letters it said, “CASH ONLY.”
Usually I keep a few dollars for such an occasion, but on this day I was not so fortunate. I looked at the person who I was with and told them the dilemma. I needed to go to an ATM or go to a different restaurant so I could pay for my meal. Their reply was simply, “I have you covered.” They paid for the meal that day and I was able to return the favor soon after.
Maybe you have found yourself in a similar situation in life. Even if you haven’t, I am pretty confident in saying that we all have found ourselves in the need of God’s mercy and grace in our lives. Your situation and circumstances for the need may differ from mine, but we often find ourselves in this position as Christians.
In Hebrews, we are told that we can approach the throne of grace as a child of God. What an amazing thought! We can go directly to the one who is the source of all mercy and grace in our times of need. We don’t have to go to a bank account, grace ATM, or anyone else to borrow from their supply of grace. The God of all grace is available.
What is even better, God’s grace has us covered. There is nothing we can do to exhaust God’s grace. Each time we have a need, we can confidently go to God and ask. It isn’t a partial credit of grace. We don’t have to wait for another deposit of grace. Each and every time we ask, God’s grace has us covered.
Jared Dyson
I must say Grace is Amazing.