basically it follows a group of clone troopers who, unlike the rest, are not programmed to be more obedient. the group questions the new empire, while the rest of the clones are unable to question. they don't outright call them NPCs, but they come pretty close.
i was expecting to hate it, and i didn't. impressive. most impressive.
As soon as I read the headline my first thought was “Dave Filoni is involved with this” and sure enough…
My buddy who’s a yuge Star Wars fan has told me that he’s hidden red pills in plots for years.
I've heard good things about it from some of my friends. I can't watch it currently cuz I dumped Disney+ a long time ago. Won't be sending any money their way anytime soon. But what little clips I saw from pooptube we're really good. The star wars animated series are all top notch imo. Clone wars was excellent and added a lot of fun context to revenge of the sith. Rebels may have been more geared towards kids, but the reunion of Ashoka and Rex warmed my heart. Pretty sure my wife was cutting onions that day.... Edit: and Vader from rebels was everything I wanted... I'm a Vader fanboy and having James Earl Jones come back for the voice was a fever dream. They portrayed him as pure nightmare fuel and it was just absolute fire!
Mando was good. Both seasons. If you have the time I would definitely recommend clone wars. Starts a little shaky but by the end of season 1 it hits stride. The final season that got released a couple years ago was fantastic....
Yeah it's not my preferred art style, but I watch a lot of anime so I guess I'm used to seeing all different types. There's good star wars lore content in it. But you do you my fren! 😁
My son watches it. I was pleasantly surprised by the story line. It triggers lots of questions about goverment from my son. I like it.
I watched it and I thought it was pretty good. Have they released a season 2 yet?