posted ago by BerlinWallCrosser ago by BerlinWallCrosser +12 / -0

My wife informed me today that our family doctors treating different family members that all Class 2 narcotics will require electronic prescriptions before this month is over. The doctors have all said that this policy came in with short notice. There are also no refills or that refills will have to be electronically filed again. Effective January, this will also apply to class 4 narcotics. We have elderly family members who are in pain management programs because of chronic conditions. I asked if this policy was state (Ohio) or federal. My wife doesn’t know, but I would guess federal. To me, this is an undue hardship on those that need these meds. Does anyone on this board have any input on this. Sorry no sauce. This is anecdotal from what my wife shared with me over dinner.