From what I've seen and heard about it, it is trying to create an Article 5 convention of states to impose term limits on federal officials, restrict spending and budgeting by the federal government, and returns power to the states that the federal government stole form them a long time ago.
We are told by Gen Flynn and Q to get LOCALLY INVOLVED! This is a great way to do it. Apparently, all we have to do is sign the petition and say which state we live in, and it gets counted to the state petition for our state. Over 2 million signatures and growing (though i doubt the counter is accurate).
So far, 17 states have signed the petition, but we would need twice that to convene. If any of you haven't found about this yet, please look into it! A lot of people on our side have endorsed it, including DeSantis, Mark Levin, Rand Paul, and James O'Keefe.
Madison, Hamilton and Washington were strongly opposed to Art 5 Convention of any sort. They did not hide the fact that this clause is a weak point of the Constitution, created as a last minute compromise with the anti-federalists, made to get the draft of the 1787' Constitution finally signed:
• J.Madison in Federalist No.49 (Feb 2nd, 1788) said, a convention is neither proper nor effective to restrain government when it encroaches. "The passions therefore, not the reason of the public, would sit in judgment." (in the event of the Convention).
• J.Madison said in his letter to Turberville (Nov 2nd, 1788), he “trembled” at the prospect of a second convention. If there was an Article 5 convention, then “the most violent partizans” and “individuals of insidious views” would strive to be delegates and would have “a dangerous opportunity of sapping the very foundations of the fabric of our Country".
• A.Hamilton in Federalist No.85 (May 28th,1788; last paragraph) said, he “dreads” the consequences of another convention because the enemies of the Constitution want to get rid of it.
• G.Washington warned Richard Peters in his letter (Sep 7th,1788. last paragraph), about the danger he saw threatening the peace and prosperity that was only recently restored to the people of America (G. Mason's initiative for a new Constitution, Virginia). He perceived a second convention of states as an existential threat to the Republic.