posted ago by Lupinate ago by Lupinate +29 / -0

A couple weeks ago i saw pol go crazy over aquariums in TX thanks to possts like this one: https://greatawakening.win/p/15JTpBGDMP/aquariumgate-researchers-needed-/c/

My own life now is full of activity once more and i rarely get time to do any proper digging of late, but i suspect texas isnt the only place. Here's what i planned to do if i wasn't balls deep on my real life shtf plan implementation and rebuilding myself physically and mentally.

  1. Go on a local search site for businesses like yelp, or reviw your yellow pages
  2. Find addresses for aquariums starting with two initial letters (eg: HR Aquarium)
  3. Go on Google street view and check if it has a store front at thw registered address.
  4. If not, flag it here or on pol if you post on the boards

I'd do this myself if i had time but life is busy and good for a change