We live in a holographic universe [consciousness matrix]. Reality is created by our collective beliefs and fueled by our emotions.
Everything is the Ether. The "ether' is conscious energy [God]. We are individual points of conscious energy [souls].
"The Absolute is conscious energy in infinity (i.e. without boundaries), it occupies every dimension to include the time-space dimension in which we have our physical existence but we cannot perceive it." https://youtu.be/bOYl1oqgDX4
I asked God about that holographic theory years ago. I had no objections TO the theory, I just wanted to know the truth. He responded by asking me if there was anything in the world I KNEW to be a real substance, not holographic, not an illusion. I thought about it and knew what He was referring to: the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus is not a hologram, and He shed His actual real blood for actual real beings. Like for like. If His blood is real and not a hologram, that breaks the theory. Everything is real and the "hologram theory" fails.
Either that or God controls the timing......
God controls the matrix
God is the matrix
We live in a holographic universe [consciousness matrix]. Reality is created by our collective beliefs and fueled by our emotions.
Everything is the Ether. The "ether' is conscious energy [God]. We are individual points of conscious energy [souls].
"The Absolute is conscious energy in infinity (i.e. without boundaries), it occupies every dimension to include the time-space dimension in which we have our physical existence but we cannot perceive it." https://youtu.be/bOYl1oqgDX4
I asked God about that holographic theory years ago. I had no objections TO the theory, I just wanted to know the truth. He responded by asking me if there was anything in the world I KNEW to be a real substance, not holographic, not an illusion. I thought about it and knew what He was referring to: the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus is not a hologram, and He shed His actual real blood for actual real beings. Like for like. If His blood is real and not a hologram, that breaks the theory. Everything is real and the "hologram theory" fails.
Universe. Uni = one. Verse = fictional world.
Kinda in our face isn't it.
It nice to know I'm not the only one who knows the truth.