Of course there is. Happens all the time in games of chance. For example, the odds that two dice will both roll to snake eyes is 1/36. Can't get around it. The case that some coincidences are rare does not make them impossible. In fact, depending on the nature of the coincidence, it could easily be impossible for the probability to be zero. (Out of a deck of cards with two Jokers, thoroughly shuffled, the odds of drawing a Joker---or any specific card---is 1/27.)
If events depart significantly from random occurrence, then that is a clue that something other than coincidence is going on, but only until that happens. What are the odds that, in meeting a stranger, you will not have any letters of your names in common? That would be rare...but obviously possible.
The demonstrated existence of random processes guarantees there will be coincidences, as systems have only a finite number of states to be in and the cross-occurrence or non-occurrence of two systems having the same state will be coincidental.
No such thing as a coinicindence.
Of course there is. Happens all the time in games of chance. For example, the odds that two dice will both roll to snake eyes is 1/36. Can't get around it. The case that some coincidences are rare does not make them impossible. In fact, depending on the nature of the coincidence, it could easily be impossible for the probability to be zero. (Out of a deck of cards with two Jokers, thoroughly shuffled, the odds of drawing a Joker---or any specific card---is 1/27.)
If events depart significantly from random occurrence, then that is a clue that something other than coincidence is going on, but only until that happens. What are the odds that, in meeting a stranger, you will not have any letters of your names in common? That would be rare...but obviously possible.
The demonstrated existence of random processes guarantees there will be coincidences, as systems have only a finite number of states to be in and the cross-occurrence or non-occurrence of two systems having the same state will be coincidental.