Noticing the choice to double down rather than to take a time out to calm down so self reflection is possible and fruitful.
Noticing that observations offered by others are still being framed as threatening personal attacks
Examples: "Why are you so hot to pile on me?" "People in this thread who've attacked me".
Please consider whats driving this decision to frame words offered by members of this community as threatening attacks on you.
Perhaps recall the famous adage "Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me" unless I let them hurt me. This is true for everyone.
Perhaps consider the following questions: Who has recently chosen to insist that words are now objectively hurtful which has lead to the belief that words must be censored in order to prevent harm? Why the sudden shift from an independent adults internal locus of control to an infantalizing external locus of control? Why adopt the later rather the former
Finally, believing one can read the minds of total strangers well enough to know their motivations is a curiosity and question suppressing belief.
Hopefully helpful ferdback:
Noticing the choice to double down rather than to take a time out to calm down so self reflection is possible and fruitful.
Noticing that observations offered by others are still being framed as threatening personal attacks
Examples: "Why are you so hot to pile on me?" "People in this thread who've attacked me".
Please consider whats driving this decision to frame words offered by members of this community as threatening attacks on you.
Perhaps recall the famous adage "Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me" unless I let them hurt me. This is true for everyone.
Perhaps consider the following questions: Who has recently chosen to insist that words are now objectively hurtful which has lead to the belief that words must be censored in order to prevent harm? Why the sudden shift from an independent adults internal locus of control to an infantalizing external locus of control? Why adopt the later rather the former
Finally, believing one can read the minds of total strangers well enough to know their motivations is a curiosity and question suppressing belief.
Beliefs + emotions == the enemy of understanding.