"Because I (referring to a GA commenter) don't like it that makes me".
You described, in your caption, your opinions as being " my instant reaction" ie not yet well thought out. You ended by inviting feedback.
Feedback around one of your quickly arrived at opinions, feedback that YOU requested =/= a personal attack on YOU.
The ability to "STAY FROSTY" is affected by ones ability to avoid conflating a guess you made with YOU. The ability to "STAY FROSTY" also depends on realizing that only you give words the power to touch you even if someone actually is using words to aTtaCk you personally.
"STAY FROSTY == Stay emotionally sober, logical, capable of critical analysis and focused.
Q shared link. You Tube. Official movie trailer. White Squall.
White Squall was based on a true story about how kids were able to " STAY FROSTY" enough to survive a supposedly mythical, deadly ocean storm.
Qs movie link offers guidance for those seeking to understand what Q meant when Q introduced WWG1WGA which is now synonymous with Q.
By embracing the feedback that you ask for then received, hopefully you will increase your ability to "STAY FROSTY" rather than losing your cool. 😘
"Because I (referring to a GA commenter) don't like it that makes me".
You described, in your caption, your opinions as being " my instant reaction" ie not yet well thought out. You ended by inviting feedback.
Feedback around one of your quickly arrived at opinions, feedback that YOU requested =/= a personal attack on YOU.
The ability to "STAY FROSTY" is affected by ones ability to avoid conflating a guess you made with YOU. The ability to "STAY FROSTY" also depends on realizing that only you give words the power to touch you even if someone actually is using words to aTtaCk you personally.
"STAY FROSTY == Stay emotionally sober, logical, capable of critical analysis and focused.
Q shared link. You Tube. Official movie trailer. White Squall.
White Squall was based on a true story about how kids were able to " STAY FROSTY" enough to survive a supposedly mythical, deadly ocean storm.
Qs movie link offers guidance for those seeking to understand what Q meant when Q introduced WWG1WGA which is now synonymous with Q.
By embracing the feedback that you ask for then received, hopefully you will increase your ability to "STAY FROSTY" rather than losing your cool. 😘