I just ran across this: https://thetruthpatriots.com/cia-agent-malcolm-howard-claims-he-and-his-colleagues-blew-up-world-trade-center-7-on-9-11/
And Snopes has "debunked" it, which increases the likelihood that it is true: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cia-agent-confesses-wtc7/
Other stories:
There's another thread on this but I'll echo my comments over there.
Really difficult to know how much credence to give this story. It's an old story from back in 2017. I couldn't find anything corroborating it back then and I can't now. That being said, the quotes from Howard have a ring of truth to them for me.
That being said, it's far from a stretch to imagine that the story is legit and was deemed radioactive by the IC and independent journos were consequently warned away from it.
I'm not sure what else we can do with it other than file it away in the "gray folder". I sincerely doubt that there's a person on this board that doesn't recognize 9/11 to be a conspiracy and an inside job. So this story changes little in that regard.
My question is why is this story suddenly catching fire again. There's always plenty of fringe sites that are mining the web for new stories to use as content so stuff like this will proliferate quickly. But how who started the buzz about this rather ancient story again in the first place and what was their motivation?
Good point. I suddenly started seeing it all over the place. It could be an effort to discredit us. I just really didn't get it.