This situation is a far cry from how this article is portraying it. First off is the date of this article being behind most of the coverage (months ago). Second is the lack of mention to just how many people this farmer was selling to and why the feds were involved - it was not because of one isolated "supposed" happening and some knee jerk response by an overstepping gov. entity. This is a fairly large "small" farm with over 4k customers from restaurants and private chefs to pretty high end - and able-to-afford-it clientele. They were circumventing regulations and inspections required for farms of this size by the FDA.
I doubt they do anything that needd regulating or safety. The fda isn't God so who the fuck cares if his customers were that plentiful he must be doing it right. So your excuse for the feds is stupid.
Fda. Fuck them. And those who think they are her to help.
I am not a fan of the FDA - is anyone here? An excuse for them this was not... this was being able to dig a little more than one article to see the full picture. This is a major operation and not a small-time farmer. Personally I like to do things by the book. And currently that book says one must follow X,Y,Z safety and health guidelines if you are over a certain size. Maybe take a look at it from a proper capitalist viewpoint as well... I don't care what it is, beef, chicken, gasoline, anything... if I'm chugging along following the rules - maybe some rules that cost quite a bit to follow like extra safety and health guidelines - and someone else comes along offering the same thing but circumvents the guidelines everyone else follows do you think they might have an advantage over others? I see from the downvotes that not everyone that looked at this old topic bothered to research things themselves... whatever - this is a trivial thing in the grand scheme of things... NCSWIC!
This situation is a far cry from how this article is portraying it. First off is the date of this article being behind most of the coverage (months ago). Second is the lack of mention to just how many people this farmer was selling to and why the feds were involved - it was not because of one isolated "supposed" happening and some knee jerk response by an overstepping gov. entity. This is a fairly large "small" farm with over 4k customers from restaurants and private chefs to pretty high end - and able-to-afford-it clientele. They were circumventing regulations and inspections required for farms of this size by the FDA.
I doubt they do anything that needd regulating or safety. The fda isn't God so who the fuck cares if his customers were that plentiful he must be doing it right. So your excuse for the feds is stupid.
Fda. Fuck them. And those who think they are her to help.
I am not a fan of the FDA - is anyone here? An excuse for them this was not... this was being able to dig a little more than one article to see the full picture. This is a major operation and not a small-time farmer. Personally I like to do things by the book. And currently that book says one must follow X,Y,Z safety and health guidelines if you are over a certain size. Maybe take a look at it from a proper capitalist viewpoint as well... I don't care what it is, beef, chicken, gasoline, anything... if I'm chugging along following the rules - maybe some rules that cost quite a bit to follow like extra safety and health guidelines - and someone else comes along offering the same thing but circumvents the guidelines everyone else follows do you think they might have an advantage over others? I see from the downvotes that not everyone that looked at this old topic bothered to research things themselves... whatever - this is a trivial thing in the grand scheme of things... NCSWIC!
So we shit on the guy thatbunderstands what it means to be free and exercises it.
I'm done with the civil compact. Its all regulation for us and freedomFor rhe government.
Brainwashing is deep.
I can't believe people grew food before the government told them it was safe.
It's just like how human beings were all dead before vaccines!