Yep it was rigged. There was a pretense of having an election. Even that will not matter when they force it down our throats. If there is a red wave in spite of all the cheating that's when we will see the force. Terrorist are coming into our country with a mission.
"You can vote your way into communism but you have to shoot your way out."
And truthfully we didn't vote our way into communism--it was forced on us (so I believe)!
No we voted for it. The forced on us part is coming soon.
Nope. They rigged their way into it all along....
Yep it was rigged. There was a pretense of having an election. Even that will not matter when they force it down our throats. If there is a red wave in spite of all the cheating that's when we will see the force. Terrorist are coming into our country with a mission.
Maybe we voted for it but it was unintentional. Metaphorically speaking our choices were Lenin and Stalin, so did we really have a choice?
Oh I agree with you. It's the forcing it down our throats part which I yet to come, that I meant to focus on. The election was rigged.
And which one was Trump? GTFO commie dick nose.
minecraft communism obviously